Plot a 3D scatterplot (based on plot3D) based on a reduce_rPCA object
This function is under active development. It is meant to depict the three scores of components obtained by reducing pupillary time-series through rPCA. There are some strong assumptions, first and foremost that the object is from rotated PCA, and that it includes variables named "RC1" - x axis, "RC2" - y axis, and "RC3" - z axis. The function is a wrapper around 'plot3D::scatter3D' and thus the package is required.
colvar = NULL,
col = NULL,
theta = 0,
phi = 0,
pch = 16,
cex = 2,
adapt3D = F,
xlim = NULL,
ylim = NULL,
zlim = NULL
- Scores
An object as returned by 'reduce_rPCA'.
- adapt3D
Whether axis should be "as is", FALSE, or strectched to fit the 3D box, TRUE
- colvar;col
The name of a variable to use for colors; a char vectors of colors.
- theta;phi
The angles of the "eyes" on the plot
- pch;cex
Some graphical pars defining shape and size of the points plotted
- xlim;ylim;zlim
To manually supply limits