Convenience function to check series across IDs and Trials, and save a plot in the current path
Convenience function to check series across IDs and Trials, which saves multiple plots in the current path by creating folders and subfolders in a hopefully meaningful way. Note that with massive data this could take some time, so you may want to debug first with a subset of the data. The defaults for 'ggsave', which is used internally, are for now a bit stiff but may become more flexible in the future. The 'check_series' function is invoked for plots, thus you may want to check the relative help page.
- data
Mandatory, differently from 'check_series'. The IDs and Trials levels around which the loop is set are retrieved here.
- ID
A string indicating the name of the ID column.
- Trial
A string indicating the name of the Trial column.
- series1
Unlike 'check_series', this must only be a string indicating the name of the first time series to plot.
- series2
Unlike 'check_series', this must only be a string indicating the name of the second time series to plot.
- time
Unlike 'check_series', this must only be a string indicating the elapsed time, which will be used for the x-axis.