This function reads a 3-D array and returns a very basic plot
using neurobase::ortho2()
. This can be, for example, a back-projected volume
or the mean volume returned from the reduce_features object.
plot_volume( volume, x = 1, y = 1, z = 1, limit = NULL, col.y = c("chartreuse", "darkslateblue", "black", "firebrick4", "lightgoldenrod1"), colorNuances = optionsFCnet("colorNuances") )
volume | A 3_d array to depict. |
x | Coordinates at which the orthostatic view is displayed. |
y | Coordinates at which the orthostatic view is displayed. |
z | Coordinates at which the orthostatic view is displayed. |
limit | Range of values to depict. If NULL, the default, simmetry is preserved around the largest value in absolute value. |
col.y | The color palette used to plot values (i.e. a vector of colors). The vector is often divergent, es. |
colorNuances | Number of nuances along the provided col.y. |